Er. Abhishek kumar

My Introduction
My full name is Er. Abhishek Kumar and I live in a small village in Bihar. I completed my 10th standard in 2015. In which 76% of my visits came and I was also a school topper. After that I did 3 years of Electronics Engineering from Nalanda. Now I also run a part time YouTube channel. My YouTube Channel Name Technology Abhishek

Who is Technology Abhishek

Technology Abhishek is an online enterpreneur and content creator from Gaya, Bihar who is on a mission of instilling people towards success.

He is an Engineer, YouTuber, Blogger, Digital Marketer and Public Speaker having brought positive changes in millions of people. All the social media links and contact details are given below.

YouTube Channel - YouTube Channel 
Instagram - Instagram
Twitter - Twitter 
Facebook - Facebook
Email I'D -

Journey of Technology Abhishek

The birth of the brand “Technology Abhishek” is a very long story which started as an email address back in September, 2015 when I first used Technology before my actual name Abhishek. The reason behind it was that I was not getting email addresses available on general names.

That time, I was a general student focused on academics and schooling having no idea about career, online entrepreneurship or even internet.

I didn’t have smartphone, laptop or any personal gadget to access internet. I had created my email address in a computer institute. My first personal mobile was a feature phone which I got in early months of 2017 where I could just browse 3G Internet and no downloads.

My YouTube Channel Logo ⤵
My YouTube Videos 

Some of my  Amazing photos ⤵